Coach. Speaker. Storyteller.
What if you could.png

Let go of what's weighing you down

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• Break free from overwhelm and inaction

• Stop the anxious "busy train" and decrease your overall stress level

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    Coach. Speaker. Storyteller. 


    Hi! I'm Ellen!

    I want you to know I see you working hard every day and giving so much of yourself to others. I see you trying so hard to release the old stories that no longer serve you. I see you yearning for something more.

    I see you. And you're worthy.

    You are worthy of all your inner desires. Sometimes it takes connecting with someone who's been there to rise up and turn those desires into a reality.


    Why I do what I do.


    Connection is the glue that holds us together. It's the salve that heals us. 

    Together, we can connect women and girls with resources to make their dreams come true.


    Work with me.


    Release your limiting beliefs and unleash your inner power.

    You deserve a life that sparks a passion inside you. You deserve relationships that fill you up.
